Forum Councils

About Forum Councils

Each campus Forum Council represents all administrative faculty, teaching or professional faculty, classified staff, and adjuncts whose primary work location is on that campus.

The College Staff Forum Council represents all administrative faculty, teaching or professional faculty, and classified staff whose primary work location is not on a campus.

Each Forum Council shall formulate and express the collective viewpoint of faculty, students, and staff on issues of interest to their constituency.

Each Forum Council has the privilege and duty to advise and seek advice from the appropriate Administrative Council member on issues germane to that campus or College Staff, and to make recommendations to/or communicate with (a) campus committees, (b) College committees, and (c) the College Senate regarding all pertinent topics.

Council are empowered to submit advise, counsel, and recommendations to the president of the College, such service to be rendered through and by the appropriate Administrative Council member. Councils also have the duty of receiving recommendations from College Forum committees for deliberation and action in the form of approved, disapproval, or counter recommendation. The action of the Forum Councils on these recommendations is forwarded to the chair of the appropriate College Forum committee.

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